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CPT Millennium™ II, DSD, 41 Station Tablet Press

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The CPT Millenium Series of Tablet Presses offer 5 fully automatic production volume options in double and single sided presses. The Millenium III is the most popular in the series.

Fully automatic rotary tablet press.
Capable of producing up to 295,000 tablets per hour.
41 station, D tooled press 10 ton pre-compression 10 ton main compression.
Operator terminal with 10″ touch screen CE, GMP and FDA compliant.
Stepper motor controls.
Punch tightness detection.
Strict separation of drive & compression areas.
Triple fin mechanical feeder.
Auto spray lubrication system.
Automatic weight control system.
Pre-compression & ejection force load cells.

Please contact us for more information on high volume CPT tablet press options.

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