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Orics Cup Filler

2018 Used Orics MR35 8 Station Rotary Cup Filler rated at up to 30 cups per minute depending fill volume and type. Currently set up for 3″ diameter cup tooling. Cups are delivered onto the turntable by a vacuum-assisted dispenser and filled with an automatic, non-splash, non-drip product filler, achieving a product weight deviation range of 0.2%. The cups are then heat sea2/13/2025led with lidding material from roll stock and automatically moved onto a discharge conveyor. Equipped with AB Micro-Logix 1500 PLC and color touch screen display. All machine functions are controlled from the touch screen with a state-of-the-art, menu-driven interface. Automatic film feed with photo registration sensor. Videojet DataFlex 6420 thermal transfer printer for lidding material.

Features: Maximum container size of 3.5″
Designed for quick, easy and inexpensive change-over
Dimensions: 36″ x 36″ x 72″

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Inventory #
Blueap 10818
3ph / 208 / 230V / 60Hz