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August 2021
cotton in pill bottles

The Benefits of Cotton in Pill Bottles

Why Cotton in Pill Bottle Packaging is Still Relevant Today Placing cotton in pill bottles has been a longstanding tradition since Bayer first introduced it in their aspirin bottles over a century ago. Since then, this practice has continued among countless pharmaceutical and supplement manufacturers worldwide.  Today we’re going to cover the topic of cotton...
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4 Reasons You Need a Pharmaceutical Counting Machine

Pharmaceutical manufacturers often face the challenge of accurately counting individual gummies, pills, capsules, and other small individual products. Traditional wisdom advises counting by weight during production for gummies, while counting individual units has remained the standard for other pharmaceutical products for generations.  However, when you count by exact quantity, you can stand to benefit from...
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gummies without gelatin

Ingredient Options for Gummies without Gelatin

Consumers can find gelatin across many different types of products on store shelves, including foods and personal care goods. It is also used by pharmaceutical manufacturers as the most common base ingredient for gummies.  As demand for vegan and vegetarian products increases, you may be wondering how you can provide a plant-based alternative to your...
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